Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Randomness on a sunny Tuesday afternoon...

I just finished a couple of really good classes at the elementary school and I really, really, really, really love my kids. This job isn't thrilling, but interacting with the students is what really does it for me. The elementary kids get SO excited about the stuff they are learning, which makes me happy and forces me to keep giving them my all. I can so do without the bureaucracy, the stupid, inefficient meetings (yesterday I was held captive at one for over 3 hours), and long hours of twiddling my thumbs. But the sweet kids really do it for me. Especially when they are jumping all over me telling me how good I smell, how cool my hair feels and asking questions in rapid fire Japanese that I have no answers to. I heart them so much.

In other news, I received my certificate in beginner's Japanese. Let me tell you, it was a struggle at times, but I'm happy that I didn't quit and accomplished my goal. The last test was a killer and I thought for sure I failed, but I actually did a lot better than I expected. Good for me.

You all know that I'm rocking my natural hair, and everyone around me, including the Japanese people I see everyday, have been really supportive. Yeah, initially it was a shock, but I think my hair is growing quite nicely and I feel quite confident in how I look. Anyways, some of the kids started calling me Kaki Afuro right off the bat, which I didn't mind because that's what I have - a mini Afro. But then it got ugly when someone said "Monkey Afuro" which led to some ill feelings on my part. I didn't beat up anyone, but I told the perps to stop, and they did for a while, but every now and then, someone would say it. Lately, it's been a couple of 5th grade girls, who should really know better because the third graders have stopped it. So last week, when they said it, during a pair exercise in class, I told them how bad it made me feel to hear them say that. With my limited Japanese, I told them that their words hurt my heart and gave me bad feelings. They understood perfectly. Now they are just back to simulating that I got an electrical shock when screwing in my lightbulb, but at least the nasty words have stopped.

Good news for all of you who care about my esthetique needs...I found a lady of Middle Eastern descent who waxes body hair, with natural honey wax, in Osaka. Yeah, that's 2 hours away from me, and a 5050 yen round trip, but I gotta take care of myself! Tokyo is the only other place that I know of near me that does waxing, but the fare is about 4 times as much as the fare to Osaka, so guess where I'm going? I have an appointment this Saturday, but I think I'll postpone it because I didn't realize that, um, how to put this politely...I'll be riding the red train.. God, euphemisms are so retarted sometimes. I'm getting my period, people! There!

Gotta gripe for a moment - I love kushokku, school lunch, because it's usually yummy and different from the stuff I make for myself. But it absolutely slays me when we get potatos, bread and noodles on the same menu. My ass can't take it! Enriched carbs aren't my friends!

That's all I got for now. Latah.


dancing chaos said...

hun - since you're on teh topic of school lunches... did your kids get feijoada today too?

I only skimmed through the menu, but it mentionned that it's a national dish in Brazil, and was served in support of Zico and the Brazil / Japan game this Friday.

World Cup Fever has, apparently, reached a whole other level...

Take care, and I'm happy the kids are understanding that making fun of difference is not as innocent as it seems.

K said...

They didn't exactly hold my head underwater to make me stay. The thing was it started at 3:30, and I can only leave at 4:30...Since I've changed desks and now sit in the middle of the room, it seemed like too big a deal to stalk out of the room. Unfortunately my JTE was in a "battle" and didn't notice me dying until 3 hours in, then he signalled kyoto sensei and gave me the okay. poor, poor me.

Jesus Dan, you give me cramps! Poo on you! Booo-urns. May you return as a woman in your next life! (Wicked laugh...)

Anonymous said...

In Canadian news today;
"Periods could soon be optional for Canadian women"