Thursday, June 01, 2006

Really, I could make a killing…

If I got my act together and got off my ass, I could make millions of yen making sure these kinds of English language atrocities never happen. What the hell is this supposed to say? You can find this everywhere in Japan: t-shirts, shop names, advertisements, foodstuffs, anywhere and everywhere. See, I’d set up this little business where I’d offer my English language expertise (well, what's left of it right now) to businesses. For a reasonable fee, I’d consult them on all things English to ensure they wouldn’t look stupid and English readers wouldn’t be subjected to such drivel. Let’s take ASSE chocolate, for example. Yes, this is a real product. See, if I was working for this company and they came to me pitching this name, I’d make it very clear just what ASS(E) means in the rest of the world and expressly demonstrate it’s usage. Till then, I’ll snap the really messed up ones that either amuse or irk me.

It’s been a nice couple of days here in Neo. The sun is nice and hot and it really feels like summer again. Yesterday I went to Tokino Elementary School to watch a demonstration of an English class for training purposes. The class was alright and I learned a couple of things I’ve already started to implement, but it was more fun to talk to the super curious students and be bitchy with Ed. The real learning occurred on the way to and from the school. I was accompanied by Noritake-san, a 29-year-old teacher (the second dude from the right) who is posted at my schools. He’s really young, sweet and good-humoured. And as I found out yesterday, he’s also really, really candid. He told me quite a few things about his personal life that I won’t mention here because it doesn’t seem right. But the most interesting thing he told me was about how Japanese people talk a lot of talk, but seldom walk the walk. Of course, not every Japanese person is like this, but plenty of them are. I'm sure the will is there, but I guess that rampant workaholicism gets in the way. Ahh, it's too hot to state my case. If you wanna state yours, go ahead.

I had plenty to say, but right now my brain is fuzzy from the heat. Must get home and nap. Later.


Anonymous said...

personal fave? Colon cookies

yes, they look like a section of that oh so enjoyable part of your body, in vanilla and chocolate flavour.


Anonymous said...

happy b-lated b-day.
Those Okinawan tacos are quite good, and the soki-soba is to die for.
