Friday, November 11, 2005

Can't mess my Flow...

This post is dedicated to Flow; a graffiti god, a low key comedian, a novice DJ and a great friend. I came home last night to receive a package of Montreal goodness and I nearly died from happiness. Check out my booty (not that one):

Newspaper articles from my beloved Montreal Gazette, the Under Pressure 10th Anniversary magazine, flyers, a CD and a book on pitbulls written by Paul 107. Can you feel the luv??? I felt it and it made me dizzy. Thanks Flow - you're a prince among men.

Things have been going really well, though this week seemed to go at a snail's pace. Not much new - still have the same busy schedule and still loving this place. I'm trying to focus on arranging things for China, but my god, I wish I had a full day to myself. Maybe December 17...but I doubt it. Actually, there's a holiday on November 23rd. Maybe I can stay home then. Yeah, that's the ticket...

I went to an old folk's home with my san-nensei class on Wednesday and nothing says "you're gonna die!" (You must say this in an Adam Sandler's kind of voice) like being around decripit old people all day, especially Japanese old people. I'm not sure, but they may have the highest life expectancy in the world. There were four people celebrating their birthdays on the day that we came and they were all in their 90's. Some of them were in quite the state. I kept staring at a lady who looked mummified. It was fucking depressing. Shit. But on the bright side, my kids really cheered them up by talking to them, feeding them food, and playing a few songs on the okarina, a sort of flute/seashell thingy. I was in there too and had a few admirers but some people were just dumbfounded by my presence. Meh. Here are my kids:

Fack, I'm tired today. I guess it's because I got my period today (yeah, I said it. WHAT?). I've also started exercising in an effort to get rid of this excess around my waist and hips. I went jogging twice this week and was going to go again today, but it was raining so I stayed indoors. I broke out the skipping rope and skipped in the hall then I did some tae bo kicks, side kicks and roundabouts which are great for my thighs, hips and ass, then broke it all down with crunches. And I've been seriously stocking up on the veggies, especially the dark green ones (gotta kick that anemia) and saying dame! to rice. I'm serious! Ain't no half steppin'!

Shit. Japanese t.v. can be so vacuous sometimes. I won't even get started. I'm dying for some Law and Order, CSI, Seinfeld reruns, the Simpsons, Oprah and Sex and the City. Ok. Gonna stop bitching. Gonna cut up some fruit and check out possible hotels in China. Peace!

Oh, shot out to the crew's new addition - RORY!!! I love that name and I love him already!


Anonymous said...

You know how I do.

Anonymous said...

k....only you would announce your period...but i love it...only because it makes me feel like we are talking...and yes flow sent you a fab package. miss you.

dancing chaos said...

wow - I LOVE packages from home... or Canada in general.

sigh, packages. they make my day. I got Midol in the mail recently: how cool is that?
