Monday, November 21, 2005

Fuckity fuck fuck fuck!

I updated my blog majorly and then I lost it because I was doing a little experiment with my battery. FACKKKKKK!!!!!! Anyway, I'm fine, no earthquakes, it's cold, I went to Nagoya twice, got my hair braided and don't like the results, it's cold, I volunteered at a cultural fest and was given a yukata and a hand written scroll, I caught a cold, and now I'm takin a shower and heading for bed. Plus it's really cold. First frost of the snow appeared this morning. Cue the jaws music - winter's a coming!

1 comment:

dancing chaos said...

sucky! well, I'm sure we'll get the complete update soon!

update since Dan's post: it rained. slip 'n slide, suicide! (listen to any drum 'n bass? cause if not, that was a very negative-sounding comment...)

love ya, stay warm!