Tuesday, August 01, 2006


My self-esteem got a nice boost this morning. See, my hair is growing and I'm experimenting with twists to keep it protected from the elements and to keep me looking somewhat decent during the lazy days of summer. They are cute enough, but they make me look like a 12 year old girl. I've worn them out a couple of times and I had my hair twisted for the majority of the Hokkaido trip, but I recently decided to actually go to work looking like this. Last night after dinner, I twisted my hair while watching Remains of the Day (good flick, but read the book instead). They looked good and I was confident that they'd look fine in the morning. So I woke up and tied a ribbon around my hair to make it look even cuter and skipped to school. My closest friend at work commented right away and made me feel really good. A little while later, all the ladies in the office came over to tell me how good it looked and asked me a bunch of questions. Yes, they put their hands in my hair, but they asked first. I usually don't like people touching my do, but in the spirit of internationalization, I allowed it. They really boosted my self-esteem and I'm feeling just lovely. Just wanted to share... Sorry, no pics yet, but I'll be getting my camera back this Friday.

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