Monday, August 29, 2005

Augsust 29, 2005

I got back from Osaka yesterday and I'm still recovering. Osaka was...hmm, how shall I put it? Well, as my pal Ed would say, it was GAY! It was my second time visiting Osaka in less than a year and a half, and my initial opinion remains the same: dirty, smoggy, a mess of concrete and steel, cold (in spirit), rude people and little personality...think Toronto. It's a big city and I think I've captured it in these shots... (Ok, it's nice to look at, but not my kinda place).

The highlight of the trip was definitely hanging out with Montreal Mel and her friend Luc. It was so nice to be with someone! And she's a funny girl to boot. We, along with a couple of US girls, had dinner at an excellent Mexican restaurant then had a couple of beers at an Irish pub. We parted ways at PURE, an all night club, where I proceeded to get happy at the all you can drink club. Bailey's was the poison for the evening...I met a couple of cool American boys, who were incidentally visiting from S. Korea. I spent the majority of the night with them, until this big, black Mandingo mutherfucker was all up in my grill trying to "buy" me a drink! I said "I was waiting for some loser to say that to me..." No shame, no shame.

On Saturday, Mel and I went shopping where, among other things, I bought 2 magazines that came to a staggering total of 2300 yen!! That's equivalent to around 26$ CAD!!! I'm waiting for my orders from Amazon, so I was a tad desperate...For the record, I bought Vanity Fair and Time because I knew that I would read them from cover to cover...I guess you could call it an investment!

This here is a picture of Mel that I love: she took a bite out of a strange looking dessert and proclaimed that "it tastes like Japan." She summed up our collective experience in one succinct sentence...

Anyhoo, I won't be going back to Osaka anytime soon, but I am looking forward to my trip to Tokyo in a few weeks. Gotta get hooked up!!!

I will begin teaching next week, so I will actually do what I came here for. On Thursday, I have to give my introduction in both English and Japanese. Expect a post soon after.

Until then, my thoughts are with you, especially a sweet bundle of joy...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your colourful comments.
Love your report on your travels.

Your journalistic skills are very interesting and full of details about the Cities and people.

Keep us informed and intertained...
Don't forget about growing some Bonsai for me.
Pierre L.