Wednesday, August 10, 2005

August 10, 2005

It is 3:42 p.m. and my apartment is so hot. I have the afternoon off today and Kawamura-san and I went to Motosu Board of Education, and picked up Jeff from Australia, to get my gaikokujin/gaijin (alien registration) card. I’m an official resident! Yay for me.

Yesterday was a good day. Kawamura-san and I broke out of work early to go to the nearest mall, Apita, to get me a phone and so she could pick up a skirt. The skirt is for the wedding of a former Neo ALT who will be getting married (to a Japanese woman – of course) in Kyshu in August. We found a cute phone, complete with answering machine, and bought a couple of things at the grocery store. Though I am comfortable with my physical surroundings, I am uncomfortable with the food situation. I paid 417 yen for a small box of cereal:

I promised myself that I wouldn’t skimp on the food, but it hurts when I go to the grocery store!

Anyway, played badminton last night and met some new people, including one hottie Japanese man, who, I swear, looked Latino, but was speaking super quick Japanese. He was flirting hard core, but I understood the gist of it.

So hot, so tired. Gotta get some rest – I have to go to a conference tomorrow and then a welcome camp on Friday. Will update soon.

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