Saturday, September 17, 2005

Fun in the sun...

Today was the Neo Chugakko (JHS) sports fest and though I've been working at the school for nearly 2 months, I was invited as a guest and got to sit in the guess tent. But I couldn't sit still for too long. I was chatting it up with other esteemed guests, the teachers, the students from both my schools, their parents and various folks. I participated in the games (it's official, I suck at every sport known to man, except badminton, which they didn't have), I won a couple of prices, I ate my bento with the 3rd grade class and had a kickass time. The day really reminded me of what we did as kids at the elementary and high school sports days, but without the Japanese. I'll let the pics say the words:

The students were so happy and we had such great weather. It was a blissful day and I felt blessed.

So, I have to confess something - I have become addicted to watching sumo wrestling on t.v. Whenever it's on, I get sucked into the matches and am awestruck. The huge, gluttonous thighs of the wrestlers are mesmerizing. It's weird that all the slapping, tugging, hugging and throwing is mildly homoerotic and revolting at the same time.

Anyway, apparently I will be going to a reggae party tomorrow tonight so we'll see how that goes! Updatcha soon!

P.S. I love, love, love the tatami floors in my apartment. I'm looking into how much it would cost to install them in my apartment when I move back to Canada and buy some property. LOVE IT!!!

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